سورة الزمر للشيخ خالد الجليل


الردود على الافتراءات المثارة عن زواج سيدنا محمد من أمنا عائشة

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

و الصلاة و السلام على سيدنا محمد خير خلق الله

بفضل الله تم الانتهاء من الفيلم الوثائقي القصير * قصة زواج * ويعتبر من أقوي الردود على الافتراءات المثارة عن زواج سيدنا محمد من أمنا عائشة


فيا أنصار رسول الله فلنتعاون جميعا على الدفاع عن رسول الله و ننشر الفيديو على أوسع نطاق




قناة موقع نصرة رسول الله على اليوتيوب

To say that something is wrong or not, you have to say it is wrong because of what; because it is violating what.

Please check this video to know the truth about Prophet Mohammad & Aisha's Marriage.


If you want to read the perfect love story, I recommend that you don't read "Romeo and Juliet" but Read the story of Muhammad and Aisha, in the very words of Aisha herself explaining how beautiful this relationship was between her and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)



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Khalifa Al Hammadi
لمن يريد رعاية انتاج الأفلام الوثائقية بموقع نصرة رسول الله  الرجاء مراسلة

الثلاثاء، 18 أكتوبر 2011

منكرو القيامة

منكرو القيامة

This post is also available in: الإنجليزية, البوسنية
” وَقَالَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا لَا تَأۡتِينَا السَّاعَةُ قُلۡ بَلَى وَرَبِّي لَتَأۡتِيَنَّكُمۡ عَالِمِ الۡغَيۡبِ لَا يَعۡزُبُ عَنۡهُ مِثۡقَالُ ذَرَّةٍ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَلَا فِي الۡأَرۡضِ وَلَا أَصۡغَرُ مِن ذَٰلِكَ وَلَا أَكۡبَرُ إِلَّا فِي كِتَابٍ مُّبِينٍ”
34- سورة سبأ؛ الآية 3
” وَلَئِنۡ أَذَقۡنَاهُ رَحۡمَةً مِّنَّا مِن بَعۡدِ ضَرَّاء مَسَّتۡهُ لَيَقُولَنَّ هَذَا لِي وَمَا أَظُنُّ السَّاعَةَ قَائِمَةً وَلَئِن رُّجِعۡتُ إِلَى رَبِّي إِنَّ لِي عِندَهُ لَلۡحُسۡنَي فَلَنُنَبِّئَنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا بِمَا عَمِلُوا وَلَنُذِيقَنَّهُم مِّنۡ عَذَابٍ غَلِيظٍ ”
41- سورة فصلت؛ الآية 50
لقد درسنا في الأقسام الثلاثة الأولى من كتابنا كيف بدأ الكون، أما في هذا القسم والقسمين التاليين له فسوف ندرس نهايته( قيامته) مما يقصه القرآن. ونحن ندعي أنه لا يمكن على الإطلاق، في تاريخ البشرية جمعاء، ذكر كتاب ثان، مصدر ثان يحكي قصة بداية الكون ونهايته بتفصيل وبشكل صحيح تماما بقدر المعلومات التي أوردها القرآن بحق ذلك. مشطوا جميع مصادر العالم التي تدعي التفوق فيما قبل العثور على البيانات العلمية في هذا الموضوع. فسوف يظهر تفرد القرآن في هذا الصدد، حتى أنه ليس هناك مصدر ثان قص على نحو أفضل من القرآن ولو حتى أي من بداية الكون ونهايته، وليس كليهما مرة واحدة. لقد أخبر القرآن أنه سُيري آياته. ها هو ذا كتاب الله، وها هي ذي أدلته! ولاسيما في موضوعين في غاية الأهمية مثل بداية الكون ونهايته. أليست تلك الأدلة كافية لمن يبحثون بصدق عن الدليل؟
ربما يظن الناس عندما ينظرون إلى الكون بوجهة النظر التي اقتصرت على مراحل الزمن الخاصة بهم؛ أن لكل شيء بنية ثابتة، راكدة، لا تتغير. ولقد كان الإخبار في عصر مجيء رسولنا بأن نهاية الكون والأرض ستأتي طرحا لا يمكن تصديقه. ولم يصدق أهل ذلك العصر الذين يجهلون أن الأرض عبارة عن جسم طائر في الفضاء، القول بأنه سيأتي يوم تفنى فيه الأرض التي تبدو ثابتة لا تتزعزع تحت أقدامهم واعترضوا على ذلك. وخصوصا، أن التصريح بأن الكون سينتهي مثل الأرض أيضا، كان يبدو أمرا مستحيلا بالنسبة لمن لا يؤمنون بكتاب الله، من لا يستوعبون أن قدرة الله ستحقق كل هؤلاء. إن الآيتين اللتين اقتبسناهما في بداية هذا القسم، تحكيان الاعتراضات التي تمت في عصر رسولنا على الإخبار بالقيامة، أي على أن الكون والأرض سيفنيان.
ونتيجة زيادة المعلومات المتعلقة بالكون في عصرنا، فقد تم التسليم- بشكل لا يقبل النقاش- بصحة قول القرآن فيما يتعلق بانتهاء الكون والأرض. إذن لا قبل لأحد أن ينهض مدعيا أن الأرض لن تفنى. ومن المؤكد، حتى ولو لم يحدث أي شيء على الإطلاق، أن عالمنا سينتهي عندما تنفد طاقة الشمس. ونهاية الكون أيضا أمر قاطع أكيد، غير أن كيفية تحقق هذا، والشكل الذي ستحقق به هذه النهاية، وزمانها أمر محل نقاش وجدل.( سوف نناقش في القسمين التاليين كيفية انتهاء الكون استنادا إلى الآيات القرآنية.)
تظهر قوانين الديناميكية الحرارية التي تم اكتشافها، على سبيل المثال، أن نهاية العالم( مجيء القيامة) قادمة لا محالة. ولقد كشف الفيزيائي الألماني هرمان فون هيلموز Hermann Von Helmhotz في عام 1856 استنادا إلى القانون الثاني من هذه القوانين أن الكون سيموت يوما ما. والقانون الثاني وفقا لأبسط شرح له يبين أن الحرارة تنخفض مباشرة إلى البرودة. وإن تدفئة مدفأة لغرفة ما، وتركنا الشاي الذي بأيدينا حتى يبرد، كل هذا يتم بعمل هذا القانون. لقد أدت أبحاث كل من: هيلموز، ورودلوف كلاسيوسRaudlof Clausius، ولورد كلوينLord Kelvin إلى إقرار كيفية تعرف بدرجة التعادل الحراري entropi توضح التغيير الذي لا يمكن تبديله للعكس في الحرارة الديناميكية. ويمكن تعريف درجة التعادل الحراري في مثالنا البسيط الذي تلتقي فيه كتلة حارة بكتلة باردة على أنها قسم الطاقة الحرارية على درجة الحرارة. وتزداد الدرجة الإجمالية للتعادل الحراري في الكون دائما. ويمكننا رؤية مثال لذلك في الشمس التي تدفئ عالمنا. إن حرارة الشمس تفيض على برودة الكون، إلا أنه يستحيل تحويل هذه العملية إلى عكسها.
قوانين الديناميكية الحرارية من زاوية الدين والفلسفة
حسن، إذن هل تستطيع هذه العملية الاستمرار إلى الأبد؟ الإجابة ستكون كلا. فعندما تصل الحرارة إلى درجة حرارة واحدة، تصبح وضعا ثابتا يسمى بالتوازن الديناميكي الحراري. يمكن أن يستمر جيران الحرارة في الشمس وفي النجوم على أكثر تقدير مليارات السنوات، ولكن هذا لا يعني أنه خالد لا ينفد ولا ينتهي. إن قوانين الديناميكية الحرارية تجبر الحركة الموجودة في الكون على التوقف في نهاية شريحة زمنية. هذه القوانين تؤدي بنا إلى نتيجتين اثنتين:
1- بداية الكون
2- نهاية الكون
لقد دافعت جميع أديان التوحيد التي آمنت بالله الواحد على مر التاريخ عن هذين القضيتين. وبينما يدافع القرآن عن هاتين القضيتين يصرح تصريحات معجزة سواء أكانت بالنسبة لبداية الكون أو كانت بالنسبة لنهايته.( لقد طالعنا التصريحات المعجزة المتعلقة ببداية الكون في الأقسام الثلاثة الأولى من الكتاب.) أما من يعبدون المادة على مر التاريخ، فقد زعموا أن المادة موجودة منذ الأزل وستبقى إلى الأبد. أي أنهم نكروا البداية التي تؤدي إلى فكرة الخلق، والقيامة التي عرفتها الأديان كليهما على حد سواء. ( تبدو الاعتراضات التي وقعت في عصر الرسول في تلك الآيتين اللتين اقتبسناهما) وعندما تبين في ظل تقدم علم فيزياء الفلك أن للكون بداية ونهاية، ظهر الملحدون الراغبون في توفيق أفكارهم بناء على هذا، ولكنه من الواضح تماما أن الملحدون أنكروا هذا قبل أن يتبين أن للكون بداية ونهاية كحقيقة علمية. وبالرغم من جميع البيانات التي كشفت عنها العلوم العلمية في عصرنا؛ إلا أن العديد من الملحدين لا زالوا يسعون لإنكار أن للكون بداية، وستكون له نهاية.
لقد صّدقت قوانين الديناميكية الحرارية ما أخبر به الدين، وكذلك من قالوا في تاريخ الفلسفة، على نحو متواز مع الدين، بأن الكون مخلوق للخالق، وأن للكون بداية ونهاية، وكذبت معارضيهم. وهذه الاكتشافات تعني تصديق قضايا الأديان الثلاثة الكبرى التي تؤمن بالله الواحد، في هذا الموضوع المهم. ولو كان الكون موجودا منذ الأزل، لتوقفت الحركة كلها في الكون، في الزمان الأزلي وفقا لقوانين الديناميكية الحرارية. ووجود الحركة في الكون، يثبت أن الكون لم يوجد منذ الأزل وأن للكون بداية. ونظرا لوجود الحركة في الكون في ذلك الوقت ووجود بداية في الكون، فإنه لا بد من قيام القيامة وفقا لقوانين الديناميكية الحرارية حتى ولو لم تقم بأي شكل آخر. غير أن الملاحظ أنه لن تبق ثمة حاجة لعمل قوانين الديناميكية الحرارية لكي تقوم القيامة


من الانفجار العظيم إلى الانهيار العظيم


” يَوۡمَ نَطۡوِي السَّمَاء كَطَيِّ السِّجِلِّ لِلۡكُتُبِ كَمَا بَدَأۡنَا أَوَّلَ خَلۡقٍ نُّعِيدُهُ وَعۡدًا عَلَيۡنَا إِنَّا كُنَّا فَاعِلِينَ”
21- سورة الأنبياء؛ الآية 104
لنلفت انتباهكم بالدرجة الأولى إلى نقطة في الآية، وهي أنها أن الله سيعيد
الكون إلى الوضع الذي خلقه عليه. حينئذ لا بد من التذكير بالآيات( التي درسناها في الأقسام الثلاثة الأولى) التي تتحدث عن بداية الكون حتى يتسنى فهم نهايته( ومما يحمل العديد من المعاني أن الآية التي تحكي بداية الكون[21- سورة الأنبياء؛ الآية 30] وتلك التي تتحدث عن نهايته[ 21- سورة الأنبياء؛ الآية 104] كلاهما تردان في نفس السورة.)
” أَوَلَمۡ يَرَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا أَنَّ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالۡأَرۡضَ كَانَتَا رَتۡقًا فَفَتَقۡنَاهُمَا وَجَعَلۡنَا مِنَ الۡمَاء كُلَّ شَيۡءٍ حَيٍّ أَفَلَا يُؤۡمِنُونَ ”
21- سورة الأنبياء؛ الآية 30
” وَالسَّمَاء بَنَيۡنَاهَا بِأَيۡدٍ وَإِنَّا لَمُوسِعُونَ ”
51- سورة الذاريات؛ الآية 47
نفهم من هاتين الآيتين القرآنيتين أن الكون عبارة عن مرحلتين منذ بدايته وحتى الآن:
1- تناثر الكون وانفصاله عن كل واحد
2- تمدد الكون الذي تكون نتيجة هذا الانفصال
لقد درسنا في الأقسام الثلاثة الأولى تلك المعجزة الخارقة التي شكلتها التصريحات الواردة في آيات القرآن. وإذا رجعنا إلى الآية التي اقتبسناها في هذا القسم من كتابنا، فلابد أن يحدث ما يلي على الترتيب، إن الكون سيعود إلى أول حاله:
1- انكماش الكون المتمدد
2- انتهاء الكون المنكمش في الوحدة التي كانت أولا.
إن من يفهمون في علم فيزياء الفلك سوف يدركون من فورهم ما في الآية التي درسناها من عظمة. نحن نعلم أن الكون في تمدد دائم. ونعلم أيضا أن التمدد يحدث بفضل السرعة التي تسبب فيها الانفجار العظيم. عندئذ يواجهان شقان؛ انتشار الكون بساحة واسعة جدا جدا وفقا للشق الأول، أما الثاني فهو استنفاد جميع النجوم طاقتها، وانخفاض الحرارة وبذلك تأتي نهاية العالم( القيامة). وسوف ينتهي الكون( القيامة) باستنفاد النجوم طاقاتها، وتوقف الحركة تماما، وخروج جميع الأجرام السماوية من مجالات جاذبيتها. ووفقا للشق الثاني فإن الكون المتمدد، سوف يبدأ الانكماش، والتوقف نتيجة جذب المواد بعضها بعض، ثم يصير الكون المنكمش في النهاية كلا واحدا مثلما كان في البداية.
معجزة فوق معجزة
يصرح القرآن بأن الثاني من الشقين اللذين تحدثنا عنهما هو الذي سيحدث. كم أن تصريح القرآن بهذا في بيئة ساد فيها الظن بأن الأرض ترتكز على الثور والسمكة، معجزة خارقة! ومن المستحيل ربط هذه التصريحات التي أدلى بها القرآن بالاختلاق، أو الصدفة، أو بالبيانات العلمية التي لم تكن موجودة في ذلك العصر. فليست المشاهدة العلمية هي مصدر هذه المعلومات، بل إنه الوحي الإلهي. وتقوم الآية التي درسناها بالفصل في قضية أي شق صواب من الشقين اللذين حارت الإنسانية بينهما. إن عظمة المعجزة القرآنية التي تخبر بأن الكون خلق من كل واحد، وأنه يتمدد وسوف يُعاد إلى أول حاله بنفس الشكل، و تدرس هؤلاء وتقدم هذه المعلومات في بيئة بدائية تماما، في عصر لم توجد فيه أية بيانات علمية قط؛ تفهم فهما جيدا بفضل تقدم العلم، وتكشف أسرار الكون.
يعرف انغلاق الكون بهذا الشكل بنموذج” الكون المغلق” في علم الفلك. وسوف تنفذ قوة الجاذبية الأرضية هذا الانغلاق. ومن المعروف أن جميع المواد تجذب بعضها بعضا وتوقف قوة الجذب هذه توسع الكون أيضا. تماما فإن هذا الجسم الذي يتحرك مدة من الوقت عندما نقذف مادة ما إلى الهواء، ويخفق في تحمل قوة الجاذبية الأرضية ويعود في النهاية، فإن المادة التي تناثرت في كل اتجاه وتوسعت بسبب قذف أول انفجار لن تتحمل في النهاية وستعود بنفس الشكل وسوف ينغلق كل شيء متطابقا فوق بعضه بعض. علينا أن نتذكر أن مفهوم قوة الجاذبية الأرضية لم يكن معروفا في العصر الذي أشار فيه القرآن إلى هذه الظاهرة، وأن نيوتن قد عرف لأول مرة قوة الجاذبية الأرضية بعد حوالي ألف عام من نزول القرآن.
وبعد بيان تمدد الكون، قام رجال العلم بإجراء الأبحاث من أجل اكتشاف هل ستكون نهاية الكون أثناء تمدده دون توقف، أم بانغلاقه في النهاية ؟ وحاولوا العثور على الكثافة الحساسة للمادة الموجودة في الكون من أجل حل هذه القضية ورصدوا النسب المسماة أوميجا Omega. وهذا هو ما يعني في تلك البيانات أن قوة الجاذبية الأرضية سوف تبدأ عملية ضغط الكون، دون أن تسمح لتناثره إلى الأبد، وذلك لأنها سوف تزداد بسبب زيادة كثافة المادة، عندما ترتفع الكثافة الموجودة في الكون إلى مستوى معين.
وتلك النقاط الثلاثة التي تبين أن الكثافة الموجودة في الكون أعلى مما هو معتقد، ولا تنضم إلى الحساب في البداية:
1- لابد من إضافة الثغور/ المواقع أيضا بالنسبة لقيمة كثافة الكون. إن المواقع الصغيرة الحجم للغاية، والتي تحتوى المواد الكثيفة جدا، لم توضع في الحساب فيما تم إجراؤه من إحصاءات بواسطة النور المنتشر لأنها لا تنشر الضوء.
2- تم فيما بعد اكتشاف النجوم المفرطة الكثافة الكبيرة الحجم التي لا تتناسب مع شدة الضوء الذي تنشره. فقد تم، على سبيل المثال؛ حساب كوكب يتكون بالتقاء 1000 شمس مثل شمسنا، في كثافة أقل ألف مرة في البداية، لأنه ينشر الضوء بقدر شمسنا فحسب.
3- في المرحلة الأخيرة تم اكتشاف نوع من المادة ينبغي إضافته إلى قيمة الكثافة الموجودة في الكون يسمى المادة المظلمة، وهي تملأ جميع المجرات، ولا ترى بالعين.
الناس يولدون، ويعيشون، ويموتون وفي النهاية يعودون إلى الأرض مادتهم الخام. والوضع هو نفسه بالنسبة للحيوانات والنباتات أيضا. وهذا يعني أن الله يعمل في الكون أيضا نفس القانون الذي يعمله بالنسبة لجميع الأحياء. وتعبر الآية التي اقتبسناها عن هذا القانون الإلهي بكلمة” إعادة”.( وقد دخلت هذه الكلمة اللغة التركية بنفس الشكل أيضا) وثمة آيات أخرى من القرآن تلفت الانتباه إلى إعادة الوجود أيضا.
” وَهُوَ الَّذِي يَبۡدَأُ الۡخَلۡقَ ثُمَّ يُعِيدُهُ وَهُوَ أَهۡوَنُ عَلَيۡهِ وَلَهُ الۡمَثَلُ الۡأَعۡلَي فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالۡأَرۡضِ وَهُوَ الۡعَزِيزُ الۡحَكِيمُ”
30 –سورة الروم؛ الآية 27
” قُلۡ هَلۡ مِن شُرَكَآئِكُم مَّن يَبۡدَأُ الۡخَلۡقَ ثُمَّ يُعِيدُهُ قُلِ اللّهُ يَبۡدَأُ الۡخَلۡقَ ثُمَّ يُعِيدُهُ فَأَنَّي تُؤۡفَكُونَ ”
10 – سورة يونس؛ الآية 34
السماء المنشقة والوردة الحمراء
” فَإِذَا انشَقَّتِ السَّمَاء فَكَانَتۡ وَرۡدَةً كَالدِّهَانِ”
55- سورة الرحمن؛ الآية 37
يذكر القرآن أن ثمة تغيرات في لون السماء ستحدث عندما ينتهي عالمنا، نظامنا الشمسي، والكون.( يمكنكم الرجوع إلى 70 –سورة المعارج؛ الآية 8).
وهناك آيات أخرى في القرآن تتعلق بانشقاق السماوات، وضعفها عندما يحين انشقاقها.
” وَإِذَا السَّمَاء فُرِجَتۡ ”
77- سورة المرسلات؛ الآية 9
” وَإِذَا السَّمَاء كُشِطَتۡ ”
81- سورة التكوير؛ الآية 11
” وَانشَقَّتِ السَّمَاء فَهِيَ يَوۡمَئِذٍ وَاهِيَةٌ ”
69- سورة الحاقة؛ الآية 16
نحن على قناعة أنه يمكن فهم هذه الآيات على شكلين. الأول: ربما أن الآية تتحدث عن خلل يصدر عن الأقسام الخارجية للسماء المتمددة، وذلك إذا ما تناولنا كلمة السماء على أنها الكون( ربما المقصود هو التكوين الخوائي للكون. ولن ندخل هنا في هذا الموضوع الطويل). أما الثاني، فإننا إذا ما تناولنا كلمة السماء على أنها قسم الجو/ المناخ من عالمنا، فلا شك أن الزلازل الواسعة المجال إلى هذا الحد التي تتكون في الواقع، والنشاط الموجود في سطح الأرض سوف يؤثر في هذا الجو/ المناخ، ويضعف المناخ، وينشق على حد سواء، كما سترفع عن الأرض طبقة المناخ الواقية. ويثبتُ المناخ أصلا بفضل التوازن الحساس لقوة جاذبية الأرض وحركة جزيئات الهواء. ولا يستطيع المناخ أن يتحمل أيضا خلل التوازن الكبير المجال المذكور في الدنيا. وربما يحدث أحد هذين المعنيين اللذين رأينا أن الآيات تقصدهما بالدرجة الأولى. ونعتقد أن الآيات تشير إلى كلا الوضعين في آن واحد.
بدء القيامة فجأة
” يَسۡأَلُونَكَ عَنِ السَّاعَةِ أَيَّانَ مُرۡسَاهَا قُلۡ إِنَّمَا عِلۡمُهَا عِندَ رَبِّي لاَ يُجَلِّيهَا لِوَقۡتِهَا إِلاَّ هُوَ ثَقُلَتۡ فِي السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرۡضِ لاَ تَأۡتِيكُمۡ إِلاَّ بَغۡتَةً يَسۡأَلُونَكَ كَأَنَّكَ حَفِيٌّ عَنۡهَا قُلۡ إِنَّمَا عِلۡمُهَا عِندَ اللّهِ وَلَكِنَّ أَكۡثَرَ النَّاسِ لاَ يَعۡلَمُونَ ”
7- سورة الأعراف؛ الآية 187
يخبر القرآن أن نهاية عالمنا والكون ستأتي فجأة، بل وأن الرسول ذاته لا يدري شيئا عن هذا. وسرعة الضوء هي أسرع حركة في الكون وفقا لنظرية النسبية.( يمكن نقاش قضية كون سرعة الضوء أسرع حركة، ولكن حركة الضوء السريعة جدا لا تقبل النقاش) يكون الضوء حدود فهمنا للمعلومات الواردة إلينا من الأجسام التي تنشر الضوء وانعكاساته، والظواهر الموجودة في كوننا. ولهذا السبب فإنه إذا كانت المعلومة التي يمكننا الحصول عليها فيما يتعلق بنهاية الكون( القيامة) أو نهاية دنيانا تتقدم في صورة ضوء، فربما لا نعرف شيئا عن هذه الحادثة حتى ولو كانت تحققت في الوقت الحالي. ولو أن الشمس انفجرت الآن، على سبيل المثال، وانتهت دنيانا على هذا النحو فإننا لن نستطيع إدراك هذا إلا بعد ثماني دقائق ونصف فحسب.
والوضع على هذا النحو أيضا بالنسبة للحوادث الواسعة المجال التي ستمحو الكون بأسره. ربما تكون مرحلة قيام القيامة بدأت في إحدى أركان الكون، ونحن لا ندري شيئا عن هذا لأن المعلومة لم تصلنا بواسطة الضوء. وسوف تتكون فجأة مشاهد مختلفة من القيامة بقدر العديد من مشاهد القيامة أكثر من مجرد خراب نظام الكون الخالي من الهواء والموصوف بأنه سيقبض فجأة على البشر الذين يعيشون في الدنيا.
” إِذَا وَقَعَتِ الۡوَاقِعَةُ ♦ لَيۡسَ لِوَقۡعَتِهَا كَاذِبَةٌ ♦ خَافِضَةٌ رَّافِعَةٌ ♦ إِذَا رُجَّتِ الۡأَرۡضُ رَجًّا ♦”
56- سورة الواقعة؛ الآيات 1-4
إن نهاية الكون والدنيا، هي أرعب حادثة ستحدث بعد تكون الكون. وعندما تتحقق تلك الحادثة يكون البشر عندئذ قد أغلقوا سجلهم الدنيوي. وعندئذ تفنى الثروات التي في الدنيا، وكذلك الأمجاد، والمناصب، والعائلات، والعشائر، والحسناوات، والدميمات، والأفراح، والأحزان، وتحول الكون كله إلى وحدة متناهية الصغر. حينئذ لا تكون الأفضلية بالمال، والمنصب، والملك. حينئذ تكون الأفضلية والرفعة لمن عاش حياة كتلك التي أرادها الله، وتكون الذلة لمن عاش حياة خلاف ذلك. هناك عبر ودروس يمكن استخراجها من مشاهد القيامة التي قصها القرآن في سبيل توجيه الحياة. ولا ترد هذه الأقاصيص لمجرد أن تعرف علوم المستقبل فحسب. إن المعلومة التي تحكى في هذه الأقاصيص تهدف إلى تحريك الناس، وتوجيههم إلى الله، وعدم إعراضهم عن الدين جريا وراء المنافع الدنيوية التي ستفنى بقيام القيامة. ونحن نقتنع تماما بأنه سيكون من النافع كثيرا جدا أن نحفظ بأذهاننا باستمرار الآية الثالثة من سورة الواقعة التي تحكي مسيرة القيامة.
” خَافِضَةٌ رَّافِعَةٌ ”
سورة الواقعة الاية 3-56


(This chapter is based on Ömer Çelakıl's Kur'an-ı Kerim'in Sırları [Merkez Gazete Dergi Basım Press, 2003] and Kur'an-ı Kerim'in Şifresi [Sınır Ötesi Press 2002])
The Hour (of Doomsday) has drawn near and the Moon has split. (Surat al-Qamar, 1)
The word “Qamar” means “Moon,” and the word “Moon” appears in the first verse of Surat al-Qamar. There are 1390 verses from that verse to the end of the Qur’an. The year 1390 in the Islamic calendar corresponds to 1969 AD, the date of the lunar landings. This, one of the greatest landmarks in human history, was indicated 14 centuries beforehand. (Allah knows the truth.)

In addition, the word “inshakka,” meaning “split,” is used in this verse. The word is derived from the root “shakka,” meaning “to plow, dig up, to turn the soil...” In the same way, the Apollo 11 spacecraft that went to the Moon also took specimens of lunar dust back to Earth. In that sense, the term “the Moon has split” is consistent with developments in the present day.
Number of verses from the first verse of Surat al-Qamar to the end of the Qur’an = 1390
Date of the lunar landings (Islamic calendar) = 1390


The word “Qamar,” referred to as a heavenly body in the Qur’an and meaning “Moon” appears 27 times. The elliptical orbit of the Moon around the Earth also takes 27 days. But this is not a number that someone looking from Earth could determine. Because since there is a 29-day between full moons, it used to be thought it took the Moon 29 days to travel around the Earth. The fact is, however, that as the Moon revolves around the Earth, the Earth is also travelling round the Sun. Because of the movement of the Earth, the Moon completes its orbit with a 2-day delay. This is another reference in the Qur’an consistent with modern astronomical findings. (Allah knows the truth.)
Number of times the word "Moon" appears in the Qur’an = 27
Time it takes the Moon to travel round the Earth (in days) = 27

The ratio of the appearances of the words "sea" and “land" in the Qur’an is identical to the ratio between sea and land in modern science. The continents had not yet been discovered at the time the Qur’an was sent down, and it was impossible to determine the ratio between the land and sea. Even such a large continent as America was only discovered in the 15th century.

The word "land" appears 13 times in the Qur’an, while “sea” appears 32 times. These numbers total 45. If we divide the number of references to land in the Qur’an, 13, by 45, the result is 28.8888888889%. When we divide the number of references to sea in the Quran, 32, by 45, the result is 71.1111111111%. these ratios are the exact ones that apply between water and dry land on Earth.

The repetition of these words in the Qur’an may be an indication that the Earth is 71% covered in water and 29% in dry land. (Allah knows the truth.) It has only been possible to arrive at this ratio in the present day, thanks to satellite photos and computer calculations.
Number of times the word “land” appears in the Qur’an = 13
Number of times the word “sea” appears in the Qur’an = 32
Proportion of dry land to sea covering the Earth = 13/45 = 29%
Proportion of sea to dry land on Earth = 32/45 = 71%

"Sirius", the brightest star in the night sky, appears as “Shi’ira,” meaning “star” in verse 49 of Surat an-Najm:
That it is He Who is the Lord of Sirius [Shi’ira]. (Surat an-Najm, 49)
The fact that the word “Sirius,“ or “Shi’ra” in Arabic, appears only in the 49th verse is particularly noteworthy. Because, based on the irregularities in Sirius’ orbit, scientists discovered it is actually a binary star. Therefore, Sirius is actually two stars, known as Sirius A and Sirius B. One feature of Sirius B is that is cannot be seen by telescope.

The stars in Sirius system follow a course toward one another in the shape of a bow, and hang in the sky by approaching one another every 49.9 years. These scientific data have been unanimously confirmed by the astronomy departments at the universities of Harvard, Ottawa and Leicester.1 Yet this scientific fact that only emerged toward the end of the 20th century was miraculously referred to in the Qur’an 1400 years ago. This miracle appears when we read verses 9 and 49 of Surat al-Najm together.

That it is He Who is the Lord of Sirius. (Surat an-Najm, 49)

He was two bow-lengths away or even closer. (Surat an-Najm, 9)
The term "kane kabe kavseyni ev edna,” in verse 9 of Surat al-Najm, translated as “two bow-lengths away or even closer,” may be a reference to these two stars drawing closer to one another in their courses. (Allah knows the truth.) This scientific fact, which could not possibly have been known at the time of the revelation of the Qur’an, proves once again that the Qur’an is the word of our Almighty Lord.
The star Sirius appears in the Surah called an-Najm, meaning “Star.” The stars comprising Sirius approach one another in their courses once every 49.9 years. This astronomic phenomenon is indicated in verses 49 and 9 of Surat an-Najm.

Iron is one of the elements mentioned in the Qur’an. Allah says this in the Surah called “al-Hadid,” or “Iron:”

... And We sent down iron in which there lies great force and which has many uses for mankind, ... (Surat al-Hadid, 25)
The word "enzelna," meaning “to send down,” may also be thought of in the figurative sense of being placed at the service of human beings. But bearing in mind the true meaning of the word, which is “physically descending from the sky,” used for rain and solar rays, then the verse can be seen to contain a hugely significant scientific miracle. Because modern astronomical findings have revealed that the iron on Earth came from giant stars in outer space.2 (For details see, Miracles of the Qur’an, 4th edition, Harun Yahya)
In addition, Surat al-Hadid also refers to the chemical symbol for iron. Because verse 15, in the exact middle of the Surah, begins with the Arabic letter "Fe," which is how iron is known to chemists.
In addition, the number emerging from a numerological [abjad] calculation of the words “al-Hadid,” the 57th Surah of the Qur’an, is the same as the number of the Surah: "57." A calculation of the word "hadid" alone produces the number 26. And this corresponds to the number of iron in the periodic table. The Qur’an, which contains the revelation of our Omniscient Lord, refers both to the formation of iron and to its atomic number. (Allah knows the truth.)
Al-Hadid is the 57th Surah of the Qur’an, and the numerical value of the words al-Hadid is also 57.
The value of the word "hadid" alone is 26, and this is also the atomic number of iron.

365 DAYS

The word "day, “yavm” in Arabic appears 365 times in the Qur’an. It also takes the Earth 365 days to orbit the Sun.
The fact that the word “day” appears 365 times in the Qur’an is very important in terms of its providing information about the Earth’s orbit hundreds of years ago. The repetition of the word “day” 365 times may be a reference to the 365-day relationship between the Earth and Sun. (Allah knows the truth.)
The word “day (yavm)" appears 365 times in the Qur’an.
It takes the Earth 365 days to orbit the Sun.

The genetic make-up of human beings and other living things depends on their chromosomes and the genetic data in these chromosomes in DNA. Gender is dependent on the 23rd chromosome pair. In other words, the difference between a man and a woman stems from the 23rd chromosome pair. If a person’s 23rd chromosome id expressed in the form XX she is female, and if in the form XY, then he is male.

The Qur’an makes reference to the 23rd chromosome that determines the difference between male and female thus: The word “man” and the word “woman” both appear 23 times in the Qur’an. This discovery about chromosomes made only recently was reported hundreds of years beforehand in the Qur’an by way of the number 23, that which concerns the basic difference between male and female. (Allah knows the truth.)
The words “man” and “woman” both appear 23 times in the Qur’an.
The 23rd chromosome is the main element that determines an individual’s gender.

The first ever satellite, "Sputnik 1," was launched in 1957. Verse 19;57 (Surah Maryam, 57) of the Qur’an amazingly refers to rising and being raised.
We raised him up to a high place. (Surah Maryam, 57)
The term "Refa'nahu" in this verse is derived from the verb “refea,” meaning “to raise, lift up or elevate.” On the other hand, the word "aliyyen" in the verse bears the meaning of “high, very high” in addition to “great.” When we consider this verse by itself, therefore, it means “being raised into a very high place.” In that respect, verse 19:57 may be a reference to the launching into the sky of the spacecraft Sputnik 1 in 1957. (Allah knows the truth.)
Verse 19:57 of the Qur’an speaks of “raising to a high place.”
"Sputnik 1," the first unmanned satellite, was launched in 1957.


All the bees in the world have the same number of chromosomes, and that never changes. Male and female animals generally have the same number of chromosomes. But the bee is slightly different. Because the male bee has 16 single chromosomes and the female bee 16 pairs.3

The bee is thus different in this respect, that of chromosome number. This difference is indicated in the Qur’an thus: (Allah knows the truth.) The Surah “Nahl,” meaning bee, is the 16th Surah of the Qur’an. And 16 is the number of chromosomes these animals possess.
Surat an-Nahl, meaning “Bee,” is the 16th Surah.
The bee has 16 chromosomes.
1 http://www.star.le.ac.uk/astrosoc/whatsup/stars.html (Leicester edu dept of Physics & astronomy); http://www.site.uottawa.ca:4321/astronomy/index.html#Sirius (University of Ottowa); http://cfa-www.harvard.edu/~hrs/ay45/Fall2002/ChapterIVPart2.pdf (Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics)
2 Dr. Mazhar, U. Kazi, 130 Evident Miracles in the Qur’an, Crescent Publishing House, New York, 1997, p. 110-111; http://www.wamy.co.uk/announcements3.html; from Prof. Zighloul Raghib El-Naggar’s speech.
3 Malcolm T. Sanford, APIS /Apicultural Information and ISsues from IFAS/University of Florida, Vol. 14, no. 4, April 1996; http://apis.ifas.ufl.edu/apis96/apapr96.htm


This section contains the results of various calculations performed on Surahs in which numerical terms appear. The same numbers obtained as a result of different calculations in the relevant Surah are extremely noteworthy. This article discusses various types of calculation such as the numbers of syllables and letters in the Surahs, the types of letter and their numerological values [abjad], and reveals surprising similarities in the numbers emerging. The calculations in this section are not open to discussion; everyone can arrive at the same figures by performing the same calculations.

In addition to the sublime wisdom and knowledge of the Holy Qur'an in terms of meaning, it also contains very rich and extraordinary numerical references. In verse 29 of Surat an-Naba' our Lord says "... We have recorded all things in writing." And verse 28 of Surat al-Jinn reads "... (Allah) has counted the exact number of everything." These miraculous numerical references obtained from the Holy Qur'an are also manifestations of our Almighty Lord's title of "Al-Muhsey," or "He Who knows the number of everything, even if it is infinite".
And when We allotted to Moses forty nights. Then you adopted the Calf when he had gone and you were wrongdoers. (Surat al-Baqara, 51)
  • 40 is the number of letters to the end of the verse from the term "arbaAAeena laylatan," meaning "40 nights."
  • The numerological value [abjad] of the dotted letters up to "arbaAAeena laylatan " is 40. (By minor abjad calculation)
  • This subject first appears in the Qur'an in verse 40 of Surat al-Baqara.
  • Number of syllables in verse 40 in which the subject begins is 40. 1
  • In addition to verse 51 of Surat al-Baqara, which explicitly concerns "arbaAAeena laylatan" (40 nights), this also appears in verse 142 of Surat al-A'raf. It also appears figuratively in verses 143 and 155 of Surat al-A'raf.
a) The Surahs between these verses are: "al-Baqara", "Al-Imr'an", "an-Nisa", "al-Ma'ida", "al-An'am" and "al-A'raf."
b) The names "al-Baqara", "Al-Imr'an", "an-Nisa", "al-Ma'ida", "al-An'am" and "al-A'raf" also contain 40 letters.

And when Moses was looking for water for his people, We said, 'Strike the rock with your staff.' Then twelve fountains gushed out from it and all the people knew their drinking place. 'Eat and drink of Allah's provision and do not go about the earth corrupting it.' (Surat al-Baqara, 60)
  • Number of words in the verse until the expression "ithnata AAashrata" meaning "twelve" is 12.
  • Number of dotted letters until the expression "infajarat minhu ithnata AAashrata AAaynan" meaning "the twelve fountains gushed out from it [the rock]"; 12.
  • Number of types of letter used in the term "infajarat minhu ithnata AAashrata AAaynan" 12.2

And when you said to the believers, 'Is it not enough for you that your Lord reinforced you with three thousand angels, sent down?' (Surat al-Imr'an, 124)
  • The abjad value of the term "thalathati alafin mina almala-ikati," meaning "three thousand angels," is 3,000. (By major abjad calculation)

Yes indeed! But if you are steadfast and guard against evil and they come upon you suddenly, your Lord will reinforce you with five thousand angels, clearly identified. (Surat al-Imr'an, 125)
  • The abjad value of the letters up to the first letter of the term "almala-ikati," meaning "angels," is 5,000. (By minor abjad calculation)

Allah made a covenant with the tribe of Israel and We raised up twelve leaders from among them. Allah said, 'I am with you. If you establish salat and pay zakat, and believe in My Messengers and respect and support them, and make a generous loan to Allah, I will erase your wrong actions from you and admit you into Gardens with rivers flowing under them. Any of you who are unbelievers after that have gone astray from the right way.' (Surat al-Ma'ida, 12)
  • Number of letters up to the term "ithnay AAashara naqeeban," meaning "twelve leaders:" 12.
  • Number of repetitions of the letters in the name "Ma'ida" (the name of the Surah) from the beginning of the verse to the term "ithnay AAashara " (twelve): 12.3
  • Verse number: 12.
  • The abjad value of the first and last letters of the verse is 12.4 (By minor abjad calculation)

We set aside thirty nights for Moses and then completed them with ten, so the appointed time of his Lord was forty nights in all. Musa said to his brother Harun, 'Be my khalif among my people. Keep order and do not follow the way of the corrupters.' (Surat al-A'raf, 142)
  • Number of syllables from "thalatheena laylatan," meaning 30 nights," to the end of the clause: 30.5
  • Number of syllables used after "thalatheena laylatan " (30 nights) to the end of the verse: 30.6

  • Number of syllables from the word "thalatheena" (30) to the end of the clause: 30.7

  • Number of time the muqatt'at letters [unique combinations of letters that begin a number of Surah in the Qur'an] in the Surah (alif, lam, mim, sad) are used in the verse from the word "thalatheena " (30) to the end of the verse: 30.8

  • Number of dotted letters up to the word "Aashr" (10): 10.

  • Number of undotted letters from the word "Aashr" (10) to the end of the clause: 10.

  • The word "Aashr" (10) appears 10 pages from the end in Surat al-A'raf.

  • The letters "alif, lam, mim and sad," the muqatt'at letters in the Surah, are used 10 times before the word "Aashr" (10).9

  • 10 types of letter are used in the term "waatmamnaha biAAashrin" meaning "and then completed them with ten."10

We divided them up into twelve tribes–communities. We revealed to Moses, when his people asked him for water: 'Strike the rock with your staff.' Twelve fountains flowed out from it and all the people knew their drinking place. And We shaded them with clouds and sent down manna and quails to them: 'Eat of the good things We have provided you with.' They did not wrong Us; rather it was themselves they wronged. (Surat al-A'raf, 160)
  • The letters in the term "ithnatay AAashrata" (twelve) appear 12 times up to "isnetey ashrate."11

  • 12 types of letter are used from the term "ithnatay AAashrata " (twelve) to the end of the clause.12

  • The letters in " ithnatay AAashrata " (twelve) appear 12 times between it and the end of the clause.13

  • 12 letters comprise the words "ithnatay AAashrata " (twelve) and "isneta aşrate" (twelve).14

  • 12 types of letter are used in the clause in which it appears before the term "ithnata AAashrata AAaynan " (twelve fountains).15

There have been twelve months with Allah in the Book of Allah, from the day He first created the heavens and earth. Four of them are forbidden. That is the True Religion. So do not wrong one another during them. However, fight the idolaters totally just as they fight you totally, and know that Allah is with those who guard against evil. (Surat at-Tawba, 36)
  • There are 12 syllables up to the term " ithna AAashara" (twelve).

  • There are 12 dotted letters from the term "ithna AAashara" (twelve) to the end of the clause.
You can ask forgiveness for them, or not ask forgiveness for them. Even if you asked forgiveness for them seventy times, Allah still would not forgive them. That is because they have rejected Allah and His Messenger. Allah does not guide deviant people. (Surat at-Tawba, 80)
  • Total number of letters from the term "sabAAeena marratan " (seventy times) to the end of the verse: 70.16

  • The abjad value of the letter types used from the term "sabAAeena marratan" (seventy times) to the end of the clause is 70.17 (By minor abjad calculation).

  • There are 70 undotted letters in this verse.18

It is He Who appointed the sun to give radiance, and the moon to give light, assigning it phases so you would know the number of years and the reckoning of time. Allah did not create these things except with truth. We make the Signs clear for people who know. (Surah Yunus, 5)
A month in the Islamic calendar can only have 29 or 30 days. (There is no other possibility.)
  • A lunar month is 29 or 30 days. There are 29 letters in the verse up until the term "qaddarahu manazila litaAAlamoo AAadada alssineena waalhisaba," meaning "the number of years and the reckoning of time."

  • The abjad value of "al-Qamar," meaning "moon," is 29. (By minor abjad calculation)
We made the night and day two Signs. We blotted out the Sign of the night and made the Sign of the day a time for seeing so that you can seek favour from your Lord and will know the number of years and the reckoning of time. We have made all things very clear. (Surat al-Isra', 12)
One year according to the Hijri calendar lasts 354 or 355 days. (There is no other possible figure.)
  • The abjad value of the letters up to the term "litaAAlamoo AAadada alssineena waalhisaba," meaning "so you will know the number of years and the reckoning of time," is 354.  (By minor abjad calculation)

Or do they say, 'He has invented it?' Say, 'Then produce ten invented suras like this, and call on anyone you can besides Allah if you are telling the truth.' (Surah Hud, 13)
  • Variety of letters used in the clause up to the word "AAashri" (ten): 10.19
  • Number of dotted letters in the verse up to the word "AAashri" (ten): 10.20
  • Number of syllables in the verse up to the expression "biAAashri suwarin mithlihi muftarayatin," meaning "then produce ten invented suras like this:" 10.21
  • Number of dotted letters up to the term "qul fa/too biAAashri suwarin mithlihi muftarayatin," meaning "Say, 'then produce ten invented suras like this':" 10.
  • "Number of letters in the term "AAashri suwarin mithlihi ," meaning "ten suras like this:" 10.
  • Number of letters from the term "AAashri suwarin mithlihi " (ten suras like this) to the end of the verse: 10.
  • Variety of letters used in the term "biAAashri suwarin mithlihi," meaning "ten suras like this:" 10.22
  • The letters in the term "AAashri suwarin " (ten suras) appear 10 times up to "AAashri suwarin ".23


Yusuf told his father, 'Father! I saw eleven bright stars, and the sun and moon as well. I saw them all prostrate in front of me.' (Surah Yusuf, 4)
  • There are 11 letters in the term "ahada AAashara kawkaban," meaning "eleven stars."

  • There are 11 words up to the term "ahada AAashara kawkaban " (eleven stars).

  • The letters in the term "ahada AAashara kawkaban " (eleven stars) appear 11 times up to "ahada AAashara kawkaban ". 24

He created man from a drop of sperm and yet he is an open challenger! (Surat an-Nahl, 4)
There are some 100 trillion cells in an adult human body. The cells all possess the same genetic structure. That genetic structure is also present in the chromosomes in the cell nucleus. There are 23 pairs, or 46 chromosomes, in a human cell; 23 from the mother and 23 from the father. These chromosomes also contain DNA molecules in which the characteristics of the person are recorded. The scientific world only learned that there are 46 chromosomes in the human cell in the second half of the 20th century.

The words "manayyin" and "nutfatan" in the Qur'an refer to different things (Surat al-Qiyama, 37). "Manayyin" is used to refer to the whole and "nutfatan" to a component thereof.
* The word "nutfatan" appears in different forms below, such as nutfatin, nutfata or nutfatan, depending on its use in the sentence or grammatical rules. But the meaning does not change.
  • The abjad value of the word "nutfatin" (nutfa) is 23. (By minor abjad calculation)

  • Variety of letters used in the Surah up to the word "nutfatin:" 23.25

  • Abjad value of the letters used in the verse up to the word "nutfatin:" 23.26 (By minor abjad calculation)

  • Number of dotted letters in the Surah up to the word "nutfatin:" 46.
Then formed the drop into a clot and formed the clot into a lump and formed the lump into bones and clothed the bones in flesh; and then brought him into being as another creature. Blessed be Allah, the Best of Creators! (Surat al-Muminun, 14)
  • Abjad value of the word "nutfata:" 23. (By minor abjad calculation)

  • Number of letters in Surat al-Muminun from "nutfatan" in verse 13 to "nutfata" in verse 14 is 23.

  • Abjad value of the variety of letters used in the verse up to the term "nutfata:" 46.27 (By minor abjad calculation)

  • Abjad value of the letters belonging to the term "nutfata" up to "nutfata:" 46.28 (By minor abjad calculation)

  • Number of letters belonging to the term "nutfata" up to "nutfata:" 46.
Allah created you from dust and then from a drop of sperm and then made you into pairs. No female becomes pregnant or gives birth except with His knowledge. And no living thing lives long or has its life cut short without that being in a Book. That is easy for Allah. (Surat al-Fatir, 11)
  • Abjad value of the term "nutfatin:" 23. (By minor abjad calculation)
  • Variety of letters used from "nutfatin" to the end of the verse: 23.29
It is He Who created you from earth, then from a drop of sperm, then from a clot of blood, then He brings you out as infants, then so you may achieve full strength, then so you may become old men –though some of you may die before that time– so that you may reach a predetermined age and so that hopefully you will use your intellect. (Surah Ghafir, 67)
  • The abjad value of "nutfatin" is 23. (By minor abjad calculation).

  • Number of dotted letters from the word "nutfatin" to the end of the clause: 23.

  • The word "nutfatin" is the 23rd in the verse.

  • There are 23 types of letter in this verse.30

  • The abjad value of the dotted letters up to the word "nutfatin" in the verse is 46. (By minor abjad calculation)

  • There are 46 dotted letters in this verse.
out of a sperm-drop when it spurted forth; (Surat an-Najm, 46)
  • The abjad value of the word "nutfatin" is 23. (By minor abjad calculation)

  • The letters in the term "nutfatin" appear 46 times up to "nutfatin".31

  • The verse containing the term "nutfatin" is the 46th.
We created man from a mingled drop to test him, and We made him hearing and seeing. (Surat al-Insan, 2)
  • The abjad value of the word "nutfatin" is 23. (By minor abjad calculation)

  • The abjad value of the letters from the word "nutfatin" to the end of the clause is 23. (By minor abjad calculation)
Was he not a drop of ejaculated sperm? (Surat al-Qiyama, 37)
  • There are 23 types of letter between verse 35 of Surat al-Qiyama and verse 2 of Surat al-Insan.32

  • There are 23 words having letters from the clause "nutfa" in verse 37 of Surat al-Qiyama up to "nutfa" in verse 2 of Surat al-Insan.33


Your Lord revealed to the bees: 'Build dwellings in the mountains and the trees, and also in the structures which men erect. Then eat from every kind of fruit and travel the paths of your Lord, which have been made easy for you to follow.' From inside them comes a drink of varying colours, containing healing for mankind. There is certainly a Sign in that for people who reflect. (Surat an-Nahl, 68-69)
The honey bee fills the hexagonal cells it builds with honey. The hexagon is the ideal shape for comb construction. For example, if the cells in the combs were pentagonal or octagonal etc., then all their edges would not weld together perfectly, and parts of the comb would therefore remain used. But through the inspiration of Allah, bees store the greatest possible amount of honey by building their combs in the form of hexagons.
  • These are the only verses of the Qur'an that mention bees, honey and honeycombs. The abjad value of these verses is 720.  (By minor abjad calculation)

  • The total internal angles of the comb add up to 720 degrees.

  • Every cell in the comb is a hexagon. Each internal angle in the cell is 120 degrees.

  • The number of clause (clauses) in Surat an-Nahl until this matter is discussed is 120.

Do you consider that the Companions of the Cave and Ar-Raqim were one of the most remarkable of Our Signs? (Surat al-Kahf, 9)
  • The abjad values of "as-haba alkahfi," meaning "The Companions of the Cave," is 238.  (By minor abjad calculation)

  • The number of syllables in the Surah up to the term "as-haba alkahfi" (Companions of the Cave) is also 238.34

  • The variety of letters used in the verse up to the term "as-haba alkahfi" (Companions of the Cave) is 7.35

  • The number of words from "as-haba alkahfi" (Companions of the Cave) to the end of the verse is 7.

  • Our Lord's name "Allah" is repeated 7 times in the story of the Companions of the Cave in the Surah.

  • "As-haba alkahfi" (Companions of the Cave) is in the 7th clause on the page.

  • This verse is the 7th from the top of the page.
They stayed in their Cave for three hundred years and added nine. (Surat al-Kahf, 25)
In revealing how long the Companions spent in the cave, the Qur'an says "They stayed in their Cave for three hundred years and added nine." (Surat al-Kahf, 25) In interpreting this verse, commentators say that the Companions of the Cave slept for 300 solar years or 309 years by the lunar calendar.
  • The number of syllables up to "sineena waizdadoo," meaning "number of years" is exactly 309.36

  • There are 309 undotted letters in the Surah up to the term "sineena waizdadoo".
Then We woke them up again so that we might see which of the two groups would better calculate the time they had stayed there. (Surat al-Kahf, 12)
  • This verse reveals that the reason the Companions of the Cave were woken was to establish which of the two groups would most accurately calculate how long they had been asleep. The number of syllables before this verse is exactly 309.37
They stayed in their Cave for three hundred years and added nine. (Surat al-Kahf, 25)
The way that the Qur'an does not directly state that the Companions of the Cave spent 309 years in the cave but also adds an additional 9 years is exceedingly wise. This mode of expression thus draws attention to the difference between the solar and lunar years. (Allah knows the truth.)

The solar year refers to the Earth's revolution around the Sun, and 365.242217 complete revolutions of the Earth constitute a solar year. A lunar year consists of 354.36768 days, the time in which the Moon orbits the Earth 12 times. There is thus a difference of 10.874537 days between the solar and lunar years; 100 solar years is thus equivalent to 103 lunar years.

In order to determine the equivalent of 300 solar years in terms of lunar years, we need to add on 9 more years – just as in the verse.
  • The total of all the numbers in this Surah up to this verse is 300. (300 by the Gregorian calendar equates to 309 years by the Islamic calendar.)

  • There are 309 pages from this page, the last to refer to the Companions of the Cave and their sleep, and the end of the Qur'an.
That was the situation when we woke them up so they could question one another. One of them asked, 'How long have you been here?' They replied, 'We have been here for a day or part of a day.' They said, 'Your Lord knows best how long you have been here. Send one of your number into the city with this silver you have, so he can see which food is purest and bring you some of it to eat. But he should go about with caution so that no one is aware of you. (Surat al-Kahf, 19)

Put your hand inside your shirt front. It will emerge pure white, yet quite unharmed – one of nine Signs to Pharaoh and his people. They are a people of deviators.' (Surat an-Naml, 12)
  • Number of syllables from the term "tisAAi ayatin," meaning "nine Signs," to the end of the clause: 9.

  • The letters in "tisAAi ayatin " (nine Signs) appear 9 times up to the term "tis'i ayatin."

  • Number of words from "tisAAi ayatin " (nine Signs) to the end of the verse: 9.
  • "TisAAi ayatin " (nine Signs) appears on the 9th page from the end of the Surah.

  • The variety of undotted letters in the verse up to the word "tisAAi," meaning 9, is 9.

  • The number of undotted letters from the word "tisAAi" (9) to the end of the clause: 9.38

  • "TisAAi" (9) is the ninth word from the end of the verse.

  • The abjad value of the muqatt'at letters (ta, sin) in the Surah is 9. (By minor abjad calculation)

There was a group of nine men in the city causing corruption in the land and not putting things right. (Surat an-Naml, 48)
  • The letters in the term "tisAAatu rahtin," meaning "nine men," appear 9 times between the expression and the end of the verse.39

  • There are 9 dotted letters between the term "tisAAatu rahtin " (9 men) and the end of the verse.

  • Nine undotted letters are used from the term "tisAAatu rahtin " (9 men) and the end of the verse.40

  • The abjad value of the muqatt'at letters (ta, sin) in the term "tisAAatu rahtin " (9 men) is 9.41  (By minor abjad calculation)

  • There are 9 verses in the story of the people of Shelah and Thamud.42

This brother of mine has ninety-nine ewes and I have only one. He said, "Let me have charge of it," and got the better of me with his words.' (Sura Sad, 23)
  • The subject of the 99 ewes begins at verse 21. There are 99 syllables from the beginning of the reference to the Prophet David (pbuh) – from verse 17, to verse 21.43

  • The matter of the 99 ewes begins being described in verse 22. The matter of the 99 ewes begins with the 2nd clause of verse 22, and this clause is the 99th from the end of the Surah.

  • There are 99 syllables from the 2nd clause of verse 22 to the term "niAAajihi," meaning "his ewes," in verse 24.

  • The abjad value of the letters at the end of the verse up to the end of verse 23 containing the term "tisAAun watisAAoona naAAjatan," meaning 99 ewes, is 99.44 (By the minor abjad calculation.)

  • The abjad value of the term "hatha akhee lahu tisAAun watisAAoona naAAjatan," meaning "this brother of mine has 99 ewes," is 99'dur.  (By minor abjad calculation)
He Who created the seven heavens in layers. You will not find any flaw in the Creation of the All-Merciful. Look again – do you see any gaps? (Surat al-Mulk, 3)
  • The variety of letters used in the term "sabAAa samawatin," meaning "seven heavens," is 7.45

  • Number of letters in the verse up to the term "sabAAa samawatin " (seven heavens): 7.

  • The letters in the word "seb'a" (7) appear seven times from the word "sabAAa " to the end of the verse.46

  • The letters in the word "seb'a" (7) appeat 7 times in the verse up to the word " sabAAa ".47

  • There are 7 syllables from the word "sabAAa " (7) to the end of the clause.

By the dawn and ten nights, (Surat al-Fajr, 1-2)
  • The letters in the term "layalin AAashrin," meaning "ten nights" appear 10 times in the Surah up to this term.48

  • There are 10 dotted letters in the Surah up to the term "layalin AAashrin " (10 nights).

This section is based on Ahmet Maraşlı's book Kuran'da Sırlı Diziliş [Mysterious Aligning in the Qur'an ], (Okul Press, Istanbul, 2003).
1 Stopping at the end of the verse.
2 alif, nuun, faa, jiim, raa, taa, miim, ha, thaa, ayn, shiin, yaa
3 miim: 3, alif: 8, daal: 1, taa: 0
4 waaw, laam
5 Stopping at the end of the clause.
6 thaa: 0, laam: 9, yaa: 10, nuun: 5, taa: 6, laam-alif: 2
7 Stopping at the end of the clause.
8 alif: 11, laam: 11, miim: 7, saad: 1, laam-alif: 2
9 alif: 4, laam: 3, miim: 3, saad: 0
10 waaw, alif, taa, miim, nuun, ha, baa, ayn, shiin, raa
11 alif: 2, thaa: 1, nuun: 2, taa: 2, yaa: 1, ayn: 2, shiin: 1, raa: 1
12 alif, thaa, nuun, taa, yaa, ayn, shiin, raa, sin, baa, taa, miim
13 alif: 3, thaa: 1, nuun: 2, taa: 2, ayn: 2, shiin: 1, raa:1
14 The orthographic difference here is a grammatical one stemming from the form of the word in the sentence.
15 faa, alif, nuun, baa, jiim, sin, taa, miim, ha, thaa, ayn, shiin
16 laam-alif: 2
17 siin, baa, ayn, yaa, nuun, miim, raa, taa, faa, laam, ghaayn, alif, ha
18 laam-alif: 2
19 qaaf, laam, faa, alif, taa, waaw, baa, ayn, shiin, raa
20 alif: 5, laam: 3, raa: 2
21 Stopping at the sejavend taa. [Sejavend: subdivision marks in the Qur'an for reading in accordance with meaning].
22 baa, ayn, shiin, raa, siin, waaw, miim, thaa, laam, ha
23 ayn, shiin, raa, siin, waaw
24 alif: 7, haa: 0, daal: 0, ayn: 0, shiin: 0, raa:1, kaaf: 0, waaw: 1, baa: 2
25 alif, ta, yaa, miim, raa, laam, ha, faa, siin, ayn, jiim, waaw, baa, haa, nuun, shiin, kaaf, zaay, daal, thaal, qaaf, kha, daad. laam-alif two. Besmele included or excluded.
26 kha, laam, qaaf, alif, nuun, sin, miim     
27 thaa, miim, kha, laam, qaaf, nuun, alif, taa, faa, taa
28 nuun: 3, taa: 0, faa: 3, taa: 4
29 nuun, taa, faa, taa, thaa, miim, jiim, ayn, laam, kaaf, alif, zaay, waaw, haa, yaa, dad, baa, haa, raa, qaaf, saad, thaal, siin, laam-alif two
30 ha, waaw, alif, laam, thaal, yaa, kha, qaaf, kaaf, miim, nuun, taa, raa, baa, thaa, taa, faa, ayn, jiim, ghaayn, shiin, daal, sin, laam-alif two.
31 nuun: 23, taa: 1, faa: 9, taa: 13.
32 miim, nuun, yaa, thaa, kaaf, alif, ayn, laam, qaaf, taa, faa, kha, siin, waaw, jiim, ha, zaay, thaal, raa, baa, daal, haa, shiin. Besmele included or excluded.
33 Besmele included.
34 Besmele included.
35 alif, miim, haa, sin, baa, taa, nuun
36 Besmele included.
37 Besmele included.
38 siin, ayn, alif, laam, yaa, raa, waaw, miim, ha
39 taa: 2, sin: 2, ayn: 1, raa: 2, ha: 1, taa: 1
40 siin, daal, waaw, yaa, alif, laam, raa, saad, haa, laam-alif two
41 taa: 1, sin: 1
42 From the verse 45 to verse 53: 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53.
43 Stopping at the sejavend "miim", "taa" and "jiim".
44 Raa, qaaf, saad, baa, baa, daal, qaaf, baa, baa, baa, baa, daal, baa, baa, qaaf, baa, baa, qaaf, baa, baa, baa, taa, baa
45 siin, baa, ayn, miim, waaw, alif, taa
46 siin: 2, baa: 3, ayn: 2
47 laam-alif two
48 laam: 3, yaa: 1, alif: 2, ayn: 1, shiin: 1, raa: 2


(This section is based on Ömer Çelakıl's book "Building Blocks of the Universe in the Holy Qur'an" and contains calculations the accuracy of which has been confirmed.)
The entire universe, the Earth we live on and all living and inanimate entities are made up of various combinations of elements. Although the atoms that comprise the elements are all made up of the same particles, they possess different characteristics. What essentially makes the elements different from one another is their atomic numbers, the number of protons in their nuclei, in other words. There is one proton in hydrogen, the lightest element, 2 in helium, the next lightest, 79 in gold, 8 in an oxygen atom and 26 in iron. The property that differentiates gold from iron, or iron from oxygen is merely this difference in the number of protons in their atoms. The air we breathe, the human body, any plant or animal or planet in space, living or inanimate, sweet or sour, solid or liquid, absolutely everything, is made up of protons, neutrons and electrons as proofs in Allah's sublime Creation. (For details see The Miracle of the Atom [Ta-Ha Publishers Ltd])

"Hadid" the name of one of the Surah in the Qur'an means "iron," one of the elements. Other elements and their atomic numbers and masses are also indicated in this Surah. (Allah knows the truth.) To put it another way, Surat al-Hadid, which bears the name iron, contains information about the atoms making up the matter in the universe, given 1,400 years ago.  The provision of this information, at a time when the elements and their atomic numbers had not been discovered, is yet another miracle of the Qur'an.

The sequence of the Arabic letters in Surat al-Hadid are such that they represent expressions containing our Lord's commands and advice on the one hand and indications concerning atoms on the other.
*  This study was conducted taking the Arabic letter "Ra" as the "R" in Western alphabets or "Mim" as the letter "M." The sequence of the letters representing the element is not considered. It is sufficient for the letters to appear side by side.  Because the letters in the element Kr, for example, do not represent another element by the name of "Rk." 
Scientists have identified 92 natural elements. Artificial elements have also been obtained by various experiments in recent times, but these are seldom found on Earth. To date, the existence of 110 elements has been verified by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).

The element Radon (Rn) was discovered by the German chemist Friedrich E. Dorn in 1900, hundreds of years after the revelation of the Qur'an.  The element is rarely found in nature. Radon is radioactive element and used in medical treatments.
Number of letters from the beginning of the verse until the letters "Rn" appear: 86
Atomic number of the element "Rn": 86

(Surat al-Hadid, 22)

40Zr Zirconium (Zr) was discovered by the German chemist Martin Heinrich Klaproth in 1789. Reference to this element, used in the cores of nuclear reactors, hundreds of years beforehand in the Qur'an, is a great miracle.
There are 40 letters between the first time that the letters "Z" and "R" appear together and the beginning of the verse. The atomic number of Zirconium, chemical symbol Zr, is 40. There are also 91 letters between the first time the letters "Z" and "R" come together and the end of the verse. And that number is the atomic weight of Zirconium.
Number of letters between the beginning of the verse and the letters Zr: 40
Atomic number of the element "Zr": 40

(Surat al-Hadid, 13)

The element Tantalum (Ta) was discovered by the Swedish chemist Anders Ekeberg in 1802. It is a very hard element with a very high melting point. It is therefore used in such areas as electrics and electronics.  In addition, since this element does not react with bodily fluids, it is also employed in medicine. This element, discovered centuries after the revelation of the Qur'an, is one of the rarest in nature.

There are 73 letters from the beginning of the verse to the first time the letters "T" and "A" appear together. That figure is the atomic number of Tantalum.
Number of letters between the beginning of the verse and the letters "Ta": 73
Atomic number of the element "Ta": 73

(Surat al-Hadid, 16)

The element Fluorine (F) was discovered by the French chemist Henri Moissan in 1886. There are 9 letters between the beginning of the verse and the first appearance of the letter "F" in Surat al-Hadid.
Number of letters between the beginning of the verse and the letter "F": 9
Atomic number of the element "F": 9

(Surat al-Hadid, 1)

Oxygen is one of the most common elements on Earth, and was discovered in the 1770 by two scientists separate from each other: the Swiss Carl Scheele and Joseph Priestley from Britain.

There are 8 letters from the beginning of the verse to the first letter "O" in Surat al-Hadid. "O" is represented by the letter Alif in Arabic. The symbol of Oxygen is "O" and its atomic number 8.
Number of letters between the beginning of the verse and the letter "O": 8
Atomic number of the element "O": 8

(Surat al-Hadid, 1)  

The French scientist Paul Lecoq de Boisbaudran discovered the element Samarium (Sm) in 1879.
In the Surah the letters "S" and "M" first come together after 62nd letter. These letters appear together as "M" and "S." But there is no element bearing the abbreviation Ms, the reverse of Sm.
Number of letters from the beginning of the verse to the letters "Sm": 62
Atomic number of the element "Sm": 62

(Surat al-Hadid, 15)

The British chemist Sir Humphrey Davy first obtained the element Potassium (K) using electrolysis in 1807. Potassium is a requirement for plants and animals and also the human body, and is plentiful in nature. It also has a wide field of application, from making explosives to medicine.

There are 39 letters between the beginning of Surat al-Hadid and the first appearance of the letter "K," that figure is being the element's atomic mass. In addition there are 19 letters between the beginning of the verse and here. And it is notable that this is the atomic number of the element K.

Number of letters between the beginning of the verse and the letter "K": 39
Atomic mass of the element "K": 39

(Surat al-Hadid, 2)

The element Sulfur (S) is found in high levels in the bodies of living things and the soil. There are 32 letters in Surat al-Hadid up to the first letter "S". That figure is also the atomic mass of the element Sulfur.
Number of letters between the beginning of the verse and the first appearance of the letter "S": 32
Atomic mass of the element "S": 32

(Surat al-Hadid, 4)

* The conjunction "and" is not included in the calculation.

ERBIUM = 167Er
The element Erbium (Er) was discovered by the Swedish chemist Carl Gustaf Mosander in 1843. The letters "E" and "R" first appear together 167 letters after the beginning of the verse. Erbium has an atomic mass of 167.
Number of letters from the beginning of the verse to the letters "Er": 167
Atomic mass of the element "Er": 167
(Surat al-Hadid, 4)

The Australian scientist Carl F. Auer von Welsbach succeeded in obtaining the element Neodymium (Nd) in 1885.
There are 60 letters between the first time the letters "N" and "D" appear together in Surat al-Hadid and the end of the verse. That figure is the atomic number of the element Nd.
Number of letters between the letters "Nd" and the end of the verse: 60
Atomic number of the element "Nd": 60

(Surat al-Hadid, 19)

The element Vanadium (V) was discovered in 1801 by the Mexican scientist Andres Manuel del Rio and by the Swedish chemist Nils Gabriel Sefstrom in 1830. Vanadium is one of the fundamental elements in the body. There are 23 letters to the end of the verse from the letter V. That figure represents the atomic number of Vanadium.
Number of letters from the letter "V" to the end of the verse: 23
Atomic number of the element "V": 23

(Surat al-Hadid, 1)

The French chemist Paul Emile Lecoq de Boisbaudran discovered the element Gallium (Ga) in 1875 using spectral bands.

Gallium is used in such spheres as electronics and medicine.

There are 69 letters to the end of the verse from the point at which the letters "G" and "A" appear together in Surat al-Hadid. And 69 is the atomic number of Gallium.
Number of letters to the end of the verse from the letters "Ga": 69
Atomic number of the element "Ga": 69

(Surat al-Hadid, 27)

Nitrogen (N), discovered by the Scottish scientist Daniel Rutherford in 1772, makes up 78% of the atmosphere.  It is also present in the Sun and various stars. Nitrogen occupies an important place in the structures of living things and is found in such vital components as protein and nucleic acid.

There are 14 letters from the letter "N" in Surat al-Hadid to the end of the verse. 14 is also the atomic number of Nitrogen. There are 7 letters between the second and third letters "N." And 7 is the atomic number of Nitrogen.
Number of letters from the letter "N" to the end of the verse: 14
Atomic number of the element "N": 14

(Surat al-Hadid, 3)

Bismuth (Bi) is one of the elements referred to in the Qur'an hundreds of years ago. (Allah knows the truth.) A rare element, Bismuth is used in a wide range of fields, from medicine to nuclear reactors and from cosmetics to electric circuits.
In Surat al-Hadid, there are 83 letters between the points where the letters "B" and "I" appear together.
Number of letters between the letters "Bi": 83
Atomic number of the element "Bi": 83

(Surat al-Hadid, 7-8)

Chromium (Cr) was discovered in 1797 by Louis-Nicolas Vauquelin. There are a total of 24 words between the first and second appearances, consecutively, of the letter C and R in Surat al-Hadid. It is noteworthy in that context that the atomic number of Chromium is 24.
Number of words between the letters "Cr": 24
Atomic number of the element "Cr": 24

(Surat al-Hadid, 4)

The element Astatine (At) was discovered by 3 scientists in 1940. As with other elements, its atomic number appearing in the Surah is one of the miracles of the Quran. There are 85 letters between the second and third appearances side by side of the letters A and T, which represent Astatine. That figure is at the same time the atomic number of Astatine.
Letters between the letters "At": 85
Atomic number of the element "At": 85
(Surat al-Hadid, 1-3)

The Swedish chemist Johan August Arfwedson discovered the element Lithium (Li) in 1817. This element represents some 0.002% of the Earth's crust. Lithium is required by industry and used in a wide range of fields, such as manufacturing batteries, freezers and artificial rubber and also in medicine.
There are 6 words between the first time the letters "L" and "I" appear side by side in Surat al-Hadid and the beginning of the verse. That figure is also the atomic number of Lithium.
Number of words between the beginning of the verse and the letters "Li": 6
Atomic mass of the element "Li": 6

(Surat al-Hadid, 10)

The Dutch physicist Dirk Coster and the Hungarian chemist Georg de Hevesy discovered the element Hafnium (Hf) in 1923. Particular use is made of it in nuclear reactors. The element is also found in the Sun's atmosphere.
There are 178 words between the beginning of Surat al-Hadid and where the letters "H" and "F" appear consecutively. Hafnium's atomic mass is 178.
Number of words from the beginning of the Surah until the letters "Hf": 178
Atomic mass of the element "Hf": 178

(Surat al-Hadid, 11)
* The conjunction "and" was not included in the calculation.

INDIUM = 114In
The element Indium (In) was first discovered in 1863 by the scientists Hieronymus Theodor Richter and Ferdinand Reich. Discovered hundreds of years after the revelation of the Qur'an, Indium is found in very small quantities in nature.
There are 114 words from the beginning of Surat al-Hadid to where the letters "I" and "N" appear side by side. That figure is also the atomic mass of Indium.
Number of words between the beginning of the Surah and the appearance of the letters "In": 114

Atomic mass of the element "In": 114

(Surat al-Hadid, 8)
* The conjunction "and" was not included in the calculation.

Non-radioactive Strontium was first discovered in Scotland in 1790 by Adair Crawford and William Cruikshank.
There are 87 words between the beginning of Surat al-Hadid and where the letters "S" and "R" appear together. 87 is the atomic mass of Strontium.
Number of words between the beginning of the Surah and the letters "Sr": 87
Atomic mass of the element "Sr": 87

(Surat al-Hadid, 7-8)
* The conjunction "and" was not included in the calculation.

Discovered in 1899 by the French scientist Andre Debierne, Actinium (Ac) is a rare, radioactive element.  This element, which emits blue rays in the dark, is whitish-silver in color. The way that this element, discovered hundreds of years after the revelation of the Qur'an, was foretold to people so long ago is a sign of the Omniscience of our Lord.
There are 89 words from the beginning of Surat al-Hadid to the first time the letters "A" and "C" appear together. That figure is also the atomic number of the element Actinium.
Number of words from the beginning of the Surah to the letters "Ac": 89
Atomic number of the element "Ac": 89

(Surat al-Hadid, 7)
* The conjunction "and" was not included in the calculation.

Thorium (Th) is a radioactive element discovered in 1828 by the Swedish chemist Jons Jacob Berzelius. It is used as a source of energy in nuclear devices.
The atomic number of the element Thorium is 90. There are 90 words between the beginning of Surat al-Hadid and the first time the letters "T" and "H" appear side by side.
Number of words between the beginning of the Surah and the letters "Th": 90
Atomic number of the element "Th": 90

(Surat al-Hadid, 7)
* The conjunction "and" was not included in the calculation.

Lutetium (Lu) was discovered in 1907 by Auer von Welsbach and Georges Urbain. There are 71 words from the beginning of Surat al-Hadid to the letters L and U that represent the element. The atomic number of Lutetium (Lu) is also 71.
Number of words from the beginning of the Surah to the letters "Lu": 71
Atomic number of the element "Lu": 71

(Surat al-Hadid, 5)
* The conjunction "and" was not included in the calculation.

The element pure nickel (Ni) was first isolated in 1751 by the Swedish scientist Axel Fredrik Cronstedt. Harder than iron, nickel is also highly resistant to rust and decay. Nickel is used in many fields, from high-resistance industrial equipment to metal coins.
There are 58 letters between the first time the letters "N" an "I" appear in Surat al-Hadid and the end of the verse. That figure is also the atomic mass of Nickel.
Number of words between the end of the verse and the letters "Ni": 58
Atomic mass of the element "Ni": 58

(Surat al-Hadid, 27)
* The conjunction "and" was not included in the calculation.

Beryllium (Be) was discovered by Louis-Nicolas Vauquelin in 1798. This element, which is rare in nature, is used in nuclear devices, rockets and space vehicles.
There are 9 words between where the letters "B" and "E" appear together and the end of the verse, and that figure also constitutes the atomic mass of Beryllium.
Number of words between the letters "Be" and the end of the verse: 9
The atomic mass of the element "Be": 9

(Surat al-Hadid, 10)
* The conjunction "and" was not included in the calculation.

Humphry Davy discovered the element Sodium (Na) in 1807, using electrolysis. Sodium atoms are found in a great many objects, from the salt we eat to the stars in space.  The sodium atoms in the cells in the human body perform a vital function. The presence of a certain amount of sodium in the human body is essential for a normal flow of water between cells and bodily fluids, tissue formation and muscle contraction.
There are 11 words between the point where the letters "N" and "A" occur together in Surat al-Hadid and the end of the verse. That figure is identical to Sodium's atomic number.
Number of words between the letters "Na" and the end of the verse: 11
Atomic number of the element "Na": 11

 (Surat al-Hadid, 9)
* The conjunction "and" was not included in the calculation.

The element niobium (Nb) was discovered by the British chemist Charles Hatchett in 1801. This element, which is rare in nature, is used in nuclear reactors and materials resistant to high wavelength radiation. 
The number of words between the places in Surat al-Hadid where the letters, 41, is also that of Niobium's atomic number.
Number of words between the letters "Nb": 41
Atomic number of the letter "Nb": 41

(Surat al-Hadid, 4 and 8)
* The conjunction "and" was not included in the calculation.

The element Magnesium (Mg) was discovered by the British chemist Sir Humphry Davy. Magnesium, discovered centuries after the revelation of the Qur'an, is one of the most common elements in the Earth's crust.  It appears in many places, from sea water to the human body. It is an element of vital importance to living things.

There are 12 words between the places in Surat al-Hadid where the letter Mg appear together. That figure, 12, is also the atomic number of Magnesium.
Number of words between the letters "Mg" in the Surah: 12
Atomic number of the element "Mg": 12

(Surat al-Hadid, 20-21)
* The conjunction "and" was not included in the calculation.

Dysprosium (Dy) was discovered in 1886 by the French scientist Paul Emile Lecoq de Boisbaudran. Its atomic mass is 162. The number of words between the places in Surat al-Hadid where the letters "Dy" appear together is also 162.
Number of words between the letters "Dy" in the Surah: 162
Atomic mass of the element "Dy": 162

(Surat al-Hadid, 2 and 11)
* The conjunction "and" was not included in the calculation.

ZINC = 65Zn
The metal Zinc (Zn) appears in many structures, from the Earth's crust to living things. For example, it performs vitally important functions by serving in enzymes and blood cells in the human body.
There are 65 words between the places in Surat al-Hadid where the letters Zn appear together. The atomic mass of Zinc is also 65.
The number of words between the letters "Zn" in the Surah: 65
The atomic mass of the element "Zn": 65

(Surat al-Hadid, 2 and 11)
* The conjunction "and" was not included in the calculation.

The Swedish scientist Carl Wilhelm Scheele first obtained the element Chlorine (Cl) in 1774, centuries after the revelation of the Qur'an. Chlorine is most used in killing bacteria in drinking water and in swimming pools. Chlorine is used in a wide range of fields, from drug manufacture to paints, and from petrol products to cleaning products.

There are 35 words between the first and last time the letters "C" and "L" appear together. That figure is also the atomic mass of Chlorine.
Number of words between the first and last letters "Cl" in the Surah: 35
Atomic mass of the element "Cl": 35

(Surat al-Hadid, 4 and 6)
* The conjunction "and" was not included in the calculation.

Carbon (C) occupies an extremely important place in the structure of living things and exists in very different substances. Carbon atoms are present in very different compounds, from the carbon dioxide released during respiration to diamond.

There are 12 words between the first and last letters "C" in Surat al-Hadid. That figure also corresponds to the atomic mass of Carbon.
Number of words between the first and last letters "C" in the surat: 12
The atomic mass of the element "C": 12

(Surat al-Hadid, 4)
* The conjunction "and" was not included in the calculation.

CERIUM = 140Ce
Cerium (Ce) was discovered in 1803 by the geologist Wilhelm von Hisinger and chemist Jons Berzelius, both from Sweden, and, independently of them, by the German chemist Martin Klaproth.
There are 140 words between the first and last occurrences, side by side, of the letters "C" and "E" in Surat al-Hadid. 140 is also the atomic mass of the element Cerium.
Number of words between the first and last letters "Ce" in the Surah: 140
Atomic mass of the element "Ce": 140

(Surat al-Hadid, 5 and 7)
* The conjunction "and" was not included in the calculation.

The element Krypton (Kr) was discovered by the British chemists Morris W. Travers and Sir William Ramsay in 1898.

There are 83 words between the first and last occurrences, side by side, of the letters "K" and "R" in Surat al-Hadid.
Number of words between the first and last letters "Kr" in the Surah: 83
Atomic mass of the element "Kr": 83

(Surat al-Hadid, 7 and 11)
* The conjunction "and" was not included in the calculation.

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تحدي بين مدرس يهودي وطالب مسلم


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