سورة الزمر للشيخ خالد الجليل


الردود على الافتراءات المثارة عن زواج سيدنا محمد من أمنا عائشة

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

و الصلاة و السلام على سيدنا محمد خير خلق الله

بفضل الله تم الانتهاء من الفيلم الوثائقي القصير * قصة زواج * ويعتبر من أقوي الردود على الافتراءات المثارة عن زواج سيدنا محمد من أمنا عائشة


فيا أنصار رسول الله فلنتعاون جميعا على الدفاع عن رسول الله و ننشر الفيديو على أوسع نطاق




قناة موقع نصرة رسول الله على اليوتيوب

To say that something is wrong or not, you have to say it is wrong because of what; because it is violating what.

Please check this video to know the truth about Prophet Mohammad & Aisha's Marriage.


If you want to read the perfect love story, I recommend that you don't read "Romeo and Juliet" but Read the story of Muhammad and Aisha, in the very words of Aisha herself explaining how beautiful this relationship was between her and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)



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Khalifa Al Hammadi
لمن يريد رعاية انتاج الأفلام الوثائقية بموقع نصرة رسول الله  الرجاء مراسلة

الثلاثاء، 18 أكتوبر 2011


The term DNA is an abbreviation of the genetic material in living things. The beginning of the science of genetics dates back to genetic laws drawn up by the scientist Mendel in 1865. The date, a turning point in the history of science, is referred to in verse 65 of Surat al-Kahf, or verse 18:65.
When the appearance of the letters D-N-A (Dal-Nun-Alif in Arabic) side by side in places in the Qur’an is examined, they appear most frequently in verse 65 of Surat al-Kahf.  The letters D-N-A appear side by side three times in this verse, in a most incomparable manner. In no other verse of the Qur’an do the letters “DNA” appear consecutively so often.

The number of this exceptional verse in which the term DNA appears so strikingly is 18:65. These numbers are an expression of the date when the science of genetics began.  This cannot be regarded as a coincidence. Because only in verse 18:65 of the Qur’an do the letters “DNA” appear three times consecutively. This is something miraculous, because the scientific world only came up with the name DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid) comparatively recently.
In Surat al-Kahf, which refers to DNA and the year 1865 when the science of genetics began, DNA is repeated 7 times, as is RNA (the Arabic letters Ra-Nun-Alif).  Like DNA, the RNA molecule is a molecule giving rise to genetic structure. For that reason, the appearance of DNA and RNA an equal number of times in this Surat is further proof that these molecules were referred to in the Qur’an hundreds of years ago. (Allah knows the truth.)

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